Taking effect from the end of October, the latest release of SuperMate 4.2.2 includes a number of super reform enhancements, work flow enhancements, great new features for our online portal ‘ViewSuper’, plus a new dedicated training menu.
SuperMate release 4.2.2 will include TBAR reporting functionality. This TBAR option will generate a data file that can then be lodged using the business portal or the tax agent portal. This option of generating a data file to be uploaded to the portal will allow multiple member data records to be lodged. In SuperMate you will be able to generate the data file across all funds or a list of selected funds. To learn more the new TBAR functionality click here.
New standard letter templates have been added to SuperMate to assist you in minuting the decision to apply CGT relief in accordance with Section 294-110 or Section 294-115 of the Income Tax (Transitional Provisions) Act 1997. A new token was also introduced to the system for use in these templates.
The CGT relief process in the 2017 fund close has been updated to include nominated tax parcels that have been segregated to a TRIS in respect of a fund member.
So that you are aware of the deferred notional capital gain attached/applicable to a tax parcel, a new ‘Deferred Notional CG’ column will now display on the following screens for superannuation funds:
Also, the ‘View Tax Parcels’ extract has been updated to include a new deferred notional CG field.
You will also be able to enter any deferred notional capital gain when setting up the opening balances and investment information for a take-on fund.
The new release makes it easier to use and create your own workflows. Amongst the changes is the introduction of a new ‘Tasks’ panel that will display when you open SuperMate. This will assist you and your team to focus on tasks assigned, rather than processes. We’ve also made improvements to ‘Workflow Instance’, ‘Workflow Maintenance’ and ‘Workflow Designer’.
Users of ViewSuper benefit from several enhancements.
To get the most out of SuperMate we have a host of training resources that can be accessed from within the SuperMate system, and which are particularly useful for newer users and for those needing a refresh.
With release 4.2.2 these training resources will be easier to find, housed within a single ‘Training’ menu, prominently located in the main menu bar, next to the ‘Help’ menu.
For further information about this latest release of SuperMate please refer to the Release Notes that can be accessed from the Help menu in SuperMate. There is also a short video which provides an overview of the changes. SuperMate’s online help functionality (F1 button) has also been updated to include information about these enhancements.
If you require further assistance, please email our support team at support@supermate.com.au or call the support line on 1300 359 335 (9am to 5pm AEST).